A theatrical adaptation of Boland’s hilarious short story ‘The Boatmen of Clonmel’, which local actors in 19th century costume will perform, accompanied by other poems from his collections to vividly bring to life the characters and locations of 19th century Clonmel
A theatrical adaptation of Boland’s hilarious short story ‘The Boatmen of Clonmel’, which local actors in 19th century costume will perform, accompanied by other poems from his collections to vividly bring to life the characters and locations of 19th century Clonmel
https://culturenight.ie/event/bolands-clonmel/> Boland's Clonmel Poet and writer CJ Boland is best remembered for his comic poems including ‘The Two Travellers’ and ‘Retrospect’ (immortalised on the Gashouse Bridge), and 2018 marks the centenary of his death. To mark this occasion, in collaboration with his granddaughter, Jane Clare, South Tipperary Arts Centre will produce a theatrical adaptation of Boland’s hilarious short story ‘The Boatmen of Clonmel’, which local actors in 19th century costume will perform, accompanied by other poems from his collections to vividly bring to life the characters and locations of 19th century Clonmel, in a variety of locations around the town, including : 6PM: Clonmel Library, Emmet St. 7PM: The Coachman, Parnell St 8PM: Workman's Boat Club , Irishtown Full details for this event and a map showing all the locations used will be available from the South Tipperary Arts Centre closer to the event date. Below you will find a map of Culture Night events around Clonmel https://culturenight.ie/events/tipperary/ - All Culture Night Tipperary listings