From Banshees to Zombies: Monsters, we love ‘em! And in a spirit of inclusion, this year’s Walk will be a Myths and Monsters Walk.
From Banshees to Zombies: Monsters, we love ‘em! And in a spirit of inclusion, this year’s Walk will be a Myths and Monsters Walk.
From Banshees to Zombies: Monsters, we love ‘em! And in a spirit of inclusion, this year’s Walk will be a Myths and Monsters Walk. Of course, not all Monsters are mythical (Well, hello, Mr. Trump!) and not all Myths are monstrous (though if we actually met a unicorn...the words ‘scare’ and ‘bejaysus’ occur to us). So get your ghoul on and get ready for another fun and freaky, horrible and hilarious Clonmel Halloween/Zombie/Monster Walk! This year it’s organised by South Tipperary Arts Centre and will be back at Gordon Place Carpark (yes, the one near a cemetery) with our Ghastly Games area from 3-6pm, the best of our town’s music and dance on the stage from 6pm to 7pm, followed by that hallowed tradition, the Clonmel Zombie Walk at 7pm. The Walk will go down O’Connell St and up Gladstone St before looping back to Gordon Place where there’ll be live music until 9pm. We’re trying to get The Weird Sisters – fingers crossed! We’re teaming up with Tipperary County Museum, who’ll have some Spooky Stories at 3:30pm (under 7s) and 5pm (over 7s) at Gordon Place, to get your in the Halloween mood. And we’re excited (and terrified) that our friends at St. Marys Choral Society Clonmel will transform the (already quite spooky and allegedly haunted) White Memorial Theatre into a Zombie Mansion from 3pm – 8:30pm. Be afraid, be very afraid… Keep checking out the page for updates and for anyone who’d like to volunteer, or perform, or be devoured by zombies, call into the Arts Centre on Nelson St (opposite the Courthouse) or call 052 612 7877 or email There are competitions galore: a primary school Design-A-Monster competition, a Spookiest Shopfront competition, and of course the 2018 Costume Competition, which will include a public vote via social media. For those of you who have asked about the date of this year’s Halloween Walk, we can just say (in our best Snape voice) Pitiable