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Creative Art Therapy

September 18, 2018
October 23, 2018

This is a welcoming space where spontaneous and emergent art-making is encouraged to delve more deeply into your authentic self, to get in touch with your visions, fantasies, heart’s desires and even your dark secrets.

Every Tuesday at 7pm
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Creative Art Therapy

September 18, 2018
October 23, 2018

This is a welcoming space where spontaneous and emergent art-making is encouraged to delve more deeply into your authentic self, to get in touch with your visions, fantasies, heart’s desires and even your dark secrets.

Every Tuesday at 7pm
Online Event
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Join the Creative Art Therapy - CAT Studio space for Journeys of the Imagination. This is a welcoming space where spontaneous and emergent art-making is encouraged to delve more deeply into your authentic self, to get in touch with your visions, fantasies, heart’s desires and even your dark secrets. Using active imagination, art therapy, dream and image interpretation, these studio sessions provide a safe space for adults to explore and create greater harmony with self and world. There will be time to participate in reflection and group sharing, only if you feel like it and are happy to do so on the day. We learn from each other to understand the symbolism and aesthetic meaning of our inner images through a collective wisdom. Lyn Mather is a visual Artist as well as an Art Therapist registered with the Irish Association of Creative Arts Therapists. Her practice is based in Clonmel and Limerick where she has facilitated events, workshops and presentations for the past 10 years. Prices: 1st session = €5 (€15 per session thereafter) Concession per session: €12 Book 6 evenings = €80 Tuesdays 7 – 9pm September - 18th, 25th, October - 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd 6 sessions all inclusive

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