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Guidance on Child Protection Legislation

January 29, 2019
January 29, 2019

Artists and organisations who work with children, teenagers, or vulnerable adults are required to understand fully the implications of the Child First Act and the other relevant legislation governing this type of work.

South Tipperary Arts Centre
10am - 3pm
Online Event
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Guidance on Child Protection Legislation

January 29, 2019
January 29, 2019

Artists and organisations who work with children, teenagers, or vulnerable adults are required to understand fully the implications of the Child First Act and the other relevant legislation governing this type of work.

South Tipperary Arts Centre
10am - 3pm
Online Event
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All artists and organisations who work with children, teenagers, or vulnerable adults are required to understand fully the implications of the Child First Act and the other relevant legislation governing this type of work. The responsibilities of Mandated Persons; the role and responsibilities of Designated Liaison Persons; Recruitment and Garda Vetting; Procedures for reporting – internally and externally; Record keeping are just some of the areas that must be considered when undertaking work that may have this target group as either participants or audience. Tipperary Arts Office have commissioned us to deliver two sessions on these and other related topics towards the end of January. If you currently undertake work in this area or are considering to do so in the future, then this is an essential part of understanding fully the considerations and legislation governing the area. The course will cover: · An overview of Children First Act 2015 · An overview of related legislation · An outline of compliance requirements including: · Child Safeguarding Statement and risk assessment · Child Protection Policy · The responsibilities of Mandated Persons · The role and responsibilities of Designated Liaison Persons · Recruitment and Garda Vetting · Procedures for reporting – internally and externally · Record keeping · Confidentiality · Code of Behaviour · Communication with parents/guardians · Complaints procedures · Dealing with accidents and incidents Louise Monaghan is Acting Manager with the Child Protection Programme in the National Youth Council of Ireland (NYCI). The CPP is responsible for building the capacity of the youth sector to address and fulfil its responsibilities in relation to safeguarding and child protection as per Children First 2015. Louise has been working in the area of child protection training for the last 20 years across a number of organisations within the broader voluntary, community and arts sector. She has developed and delivered training in child protection at a number of levels , including Awareness level, Designated Liaison Person and Board of Management training. She has worked with organisations in developing their child protection policies and procedures. She also sits on the GAA’s National Child Welfare and Protection Committee and is a consultant with the National Office for Safeguarding Children in the Catholic Church. In association with Tipperary Arts Office. Tickets for Workshop available at discounted €20 rate for Tipperary Based Artists, €50.00 for VAI Members and €100.00 for Others. Book online at!event/2019/1/29/guidance-on-child-protection-legislation-with-louise-monaghan-at-the-south-tipperary-arts-centre

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