A Workshop suitable for all the family making Rustic Christmas Ornaments with Mags on Zoom - everybody welcome!
A Workshop suitable for all the family making Rustic Christmas Ornaments with Mags on Zoom - everybody welcome!
A Workshop suitable for all the family making Rustic Christmas Ornaments with Mags on Zoom - everybody welcome! In the last of our Christmas 2020 Family fun workshops, Mags will guide you through making some very simple rustic-style Christmas ornaments to decorate your home. This year we are encouraging you to use whatever you have available, with the emphasis on reusing and recycling, so anything goes. When you register you'll get a useful list from Mags of what will be required for Saturday's workshop, and it's a very basic list. The only real limit to this is your own imagination! Before the event, you'll also receive a Zoom invitation link that you can click to access the event on the day. Book here via Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/rustic-christmas-ornaments-tickets-132778507089>https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/rustic-christmas-ornaments-tickets-132778507089