A series of animated films by Digital Animation Students from TUS, Clonmel, on the theme of 'Hidden Histories' - for Clonmel Junction Arts Festival 2022
A series of animated films by Digital Animation Students from TUS, Clonmel, on the theme of 'Hidden Histories' - for Clonmel Junction Arts Festival 2022
Technological University of the Shannon Digital Animation student production teams have created a series of animated films for the festival on the theme of ‘Hidden Histories’.
Marah has always seen the world through rose coloured glasses until one day, it shatters before their eyes.
Kyle is known for being a troublemaker. He decides to entertain himself on a boring school trip and breaks the rules, but as it turns out, stealing a cursed mask from the museum wasn't the best idea.
A bachelor has an unexpected guest and must protect what's most important to him. See these three original stories in this series of films by students of TUS.
In partnership with Technological University of the Shannon: Clonmel Digital Campus